Skopje, 23rd October 2012 (MIA) – Macedonia was ranked at the high 23rd position out of 185 countries in total in the most recent “Doing Business 2013” report, which was announced last night by the World Bank. As it was announced, at today’s press conference, by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, according to the report, Macedonia remains leader in doing business in the region, being at the fifth place in the world, according to the total reforms in the period 2005-2012.


World Bank Report shows that Macedonia is in the group of countries, being far more developed than it. Germany is at the 20th place, while Japan is behind us, being at the 24th place. Hence, it is evident that we reached their standards, Stavreski announced.

Government, he added, is satisfied with the achieved performance, being registered by the World Bank, in particular if one takes into account that there was progress as regards the reforms and the conduct of economic policies. This year, according to “Doing Business” report, we are ahead of Slovenia, being at the 35th place, Montenegro is 51st, Bulgaria is 66th , Turkey 71st, Romania 72nd, Greece 78th, Croatia 84th , Albania 85th, Serbia 86th, Kosovo 98th, while Bosnia and Herzegovina is positioned at the 126th place.

According to the Report, Macedonia advanced by 20 places in terms of getting electricity, an indicator, according to which, last year, we were most badly ranked, i.e. at the 121st place.

As for the other indicators, there were also shifts by one to two places upwards or downwards, meaning, Minister stressed, that more or less, last year’s positions were retained.

Stavreski mentioned that the Government implemented several reforms and measures even following after the completion of the “Doing Business” report, as regards getting electricity, and in terms of the amendments to laws on contractual pledge, tax procedure, administrative fees, etc. All of them will be reflected in the performance next year, when one more affirmation for the good operations is expected.

– Regardless of the registered improvements, there is room for further progress in each of the mentioned areas, getting electricity, obtaining licenses, etc. Government, as of tomorrow, will continue its operations, analyze the experience of the countries, being ahead of us so as to see what can be improved and implemented, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance pointed out.

Answering journalists’ question, he pointed out that the conditions for doing business assessed in the World Bank Report are relevant for both national and foreign investors. However, there are many factors influencing the companies during their decision-making process where and whether to invest, among which the general economic climate.

– In these years of global economic crisis, investors are less willing to invest. If one observes the situation from that point and if one sees how many investments have been realized in Macedonia before 2010, and compare them to the number of investments in the period 2011-2012, the progress is evident. 2-3 years ago, there were only few foreign investments in our country. This period, Johnson Metti started to operate, however, investments of Kemet, Drexler & Maer were also lunched, which will yet to result in increased export and improved production performance, Minister Stavreski said.

Last year, “Doing Business" report ranked Macedonia at the 22nd position out of 183 countries in total.

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