Liverpool, 18th June 2014 (MIA) – Economic team, headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, presented the possibilities to invest in Macedonia to the business community in Liverpool yesterday.

According to the potential investors present, Macedonia has done it in a quite professional and energetic manner. Some of them attending the Forum have learnt, for the first time, about the possibilities offered and available for doing business in Macedonia and believe that they are excellent, as well as that global competition is strong, but that quality is recognizable.

– Macedonia has proved it has a lot to offer to the investors. This has been an excellent opportunity to learn about the pragmatism of the politicians and their commitment to present their country, as well as a possibility, as in my case, for the audience, not being previous informed, to learn more about the business opportunities your country offers. At the Forum, I have gained knowledge and information about the technological industrial zones and the possibilities for development offered by Macedonia, entirely fresh ideas which are not usually seen. The manner in which all this has been presented attracted me a lot, Mike Lawrence, Accountant Manager at CBS (Colebrook Bosson Saunders), said.

It is a company operating in the field of architecture, design and construction and it has impressive and unique construction solutions worldwide. It is known by its leadership in applying modern technology in creating its own products. The company commenced its production in China, it has many production capacities, depending on the product, in the Czech Republic and Italy. It intends to build capacities and to be more present not only on the market on which it has been already operating in Western Europe, but also in Central and East Europe and Russia.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, presented the investors the key reforms the Government undertakes and pointed out that the Government is reform-oriented, all to the end of improving the standard of the citizens, attracting investments contributing significantly thereto.

– It is a comprehensive process which also includes large volume of investments in many key areas and investments realized by the Government, despite the challenges arising from the global economic and European debt crisis. We have used the opportunity to launch well-selected projects in the transportation sector, energy and railway transport, which has helped us improve the infrastructure and the logistics in the country, being important to the private investors, Stavreski underlined.

He informed the potential investors that, in the recent period, the Government has commenced many capital projects, such as the construction of the last section of Corridor 10, long 28 km. Construction of two new highways, Skopje – Stip, 47 km long, and Kocevo – Ohrid, 57 km long, started in 2014. At the same time, construction of the railroad tracks towards Bulgaria has been launched, and reconstruction of railroad tracks along Corridor 10 has been on-going and it will be completed in the course of 2014.

– Many projects have also been carried out in the area of air traffic. By applying PPP, “Alexander the Great” Airport in Skopje was built and airport in Ohrid was modernized, and both have contributed to increased number of passengers and new flight connections, including Skopje – London direct flight. The Government supports this process by providing government aid for low-budget airlines, as well as support to tour operators to bring organized groups of tourists in Macedonia. We are also working on projects for development of national and distribution gas pipeline networks, Deputy Prime Minister said.

He underlined that the favourable business climate in Macedonia in the past period was recognized by many foreign investors. Many multinational companies have decided to invest in Macedonia. In the field of the car industry, he mentioned “Johnson Matthey”, with two facilities in Skopje, the US companies “Johnson Controls” with facilities in Skopje and Stip, “Kemet Electronics” with a factory in Skopje, and “Amphenol”, with a factory in Kocani, German companies “Kromberg & Schubert” and “Dräexlmaier”, Belgian company “Van Hool” – manufacturer of buses in Skopje and Italian “TeknoHose”.

According to Stavreski, it is important to point out that part of the companies, after realizing their initial investments, have also decided to invest in new and additional facilities, such as “Johnson Controls”, “Johnson Matthey”, “TeknoHose”, “Prodis” and “Van Hool”, being probably the best indicator of the favourable investment climate and the excellent conditions being available to the foreign investors.

At the 2014 Global Economic Forum, at which Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski addressed the audience, the Deputy Minister gave a speech at the special session on growth of the markets in the developing countries and their impact on Europe, as well as the business opportunities offered under the influence of the recent crisis.

2014 Global Economic Forum is one of the most renowned economic events in the Great Britain, which is part of the International Festival for Business held in Liverpool. Festival for Business is gaining large publicity among the representatives of the economic sphere, which is obvious from the events attended by representatives from the academic sphere, investors and large international companies interested in investing.

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