25th September 2019, New York – Within the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska was selected as one of the first women- ambassadors for digital trade in the world, last night in New York. This exclusive and unique recognition was awarded by Mukica Kutui, General Secretary of UNCTAD – UN body dealing with trade, investments and development issues. In addition to Angelovska, another six women-ambassadors worldwide have been awarded this title by UNCTAD.

-Unused potential of women throughout the world is a great loss for our economies. Synergy of digital technology and the transformative power of the female entrepreneurship may contribute to reducing poverty in underdeveloped countries and developing countries, as well as accelerating the economic growth – Minister Angelovska said.

She pointed out that the recognition she received was a great honour, as well as great responsibility for her – to inspire and encourage the women, to use their potential, to be ambitious, to undertake initiatives, to taka advantage of the power of technology and to make the world better place to live. 

– We need the potential of women, knowledge, care, guidance and technology to make this world smarter and better for everyone. – Minister Angelovska said.  

Anyway, Angelovska is the only representative from Europe who was selected as woman-ambassador for digital trade.  Apart from Minister Angelovska, who has received this recognition as co-founder of Grouper.mk, the first digital eTrade platform of its kind in the Republic of North Macedonia, the other selected women-ambassadors for digital trade are: Xiaofei Yao from China, founder and CEO of Rogrand; Claudia de Heredia from Mexico, co-founder and COO of Kichnik, Helianti Hilman from Indonesia, founder and CEO of Javara, Nazanin Daneshvar from Iran, founder and CEO of Takhfifan and Clarisse Iribagiza from Rwanda, founder and CEO of DM.HeHe. 

The initiative through which UNCTAD selected the women-ambassadors of digital trade – E-commerce for women, is aimed at encouraging the economic growth and reducing poverty in developing countries by combining the benefits from the technology and the female entrepreneurship. Through their long-standing experience in the field of digital trade, the seven selected global women – ambassadors should help in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Objectives by promoting the use of technology to the end of greater economic development.


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