27th December, Skopje – Vehicles will be taxed according to the environmental category. As of 1st January, for vehicles up to EUR 10,000, the tax amount will only be calculated according to the CO2 emission. The difference in the environmental category of vehicles will be reflected in the amount of tax when it is about diesel and petrol engines. A vehicle with the same value and the same CO2 emission will be subject to lower tax if it is powered by a petrol engine. For example, as for all vehicles worth up to EUR 10,000 and a CO2 emission of 130 grams per kilometer, if they are powered by a petrol engine, the tax will amount to Denar 6.500 and if the engine is a diesel ones – it will be by two times higher.

-The pressure of the civil sector on environmental pollution is fierce and rightly so, given that there is no alternative to health. Ministry of Finance and the Customs Administration respond to some of the challenges associated with air pollution with a systemic rather than an ad-hoc solution. Last Wednesday, the MPs adopted the new Law on Motor Vehicle Taxation . It introduces, for the first time, the principle: if the vehicle is less polluted, it is subject to lower tax rate – Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska said at the presentation of the new regulations on vehicle taxation at import.

Director of the Customs Administration Gjoko Tanasoski pointed out that motivating the citizens to purchase less-polluting vehicles will be a joint effort of several institutions, where implementation of special measures is planned. Current figures indicate that 82 percent of the vehicles purchased are second-hand and only 18 percent of them are new ones.

The Decree, which the Government will consider at tomorrow’s session, determines the manner of calculating the tax on motor vehicles based on two criteria: carbon dioxide emission – CO2 expressed in grams per kilometer and vehicle value. Vehicles with lower CO2 emission become more cost-effective to procure than those with higher CO2 emission.

Minister Angelovska underlined that the new Law on Motor Vehicle Taxation is the first law on taxation of vehicles, which does not only take into account the amount of budget revenues, but it also incorporates,  for the first time, a component that stimulates the purchase of environmentally friendly vehicles, thus contributing to decreased pollution. This provides for stimulating the renewal of the vehicle fleet on systemic basis, which is very important, since the vehicle fleet in the country is between 15 and 18 years old.

Under the 2020 Budget, the new tax budget revenue are expected to be as much as the 2019 vehicle excise duty.

-The Amendments provide for stimulating the purchase of new vehicles by exempting certain vehicles from charges, those used for first aid, funeral services and by refunding a tax paid on new taxi-service vehicles, where the tax refund depends on the specific purpose of the vehicle. There will be a 25 percent tax refund for motor vehicles, while as for vehicles with 7 + 1 and 8 + 1 seats used for taxi services and for the needs of some companies, the tax refund will be up to 80 percent. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, a special tax exemption for motor vehicles is prescribed for all categories of this type. Hybrid vehicles will be subject to a 50 percent tax exemption – Tanasoski explained.

According to the vehicle fleet in the country, it is estimated that the average CO2 emission is about 170 g/km. The limit set for the manufacturers of new vehicles for 2020 is 95 g/km of CO2 in the EU. Currently, the average in EU countries is 130-140 g/km of CO2. At the EU level, cars are responsible for about 12 percent of total carbon dioxide emissions, the main greenhouse gas.


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