30th August 2016, Lider – Upward trend in the industry continues. According to recent data from the State Statistical Office, industrial production experienced 5.6% growth in the period January – July. Data also show growth of industrial production on monthly basis, hence growth in July 2016, compared to July 2015, accounted for 5.1%.
Manufacturing remains to be the driving force, growing by 6.1% in July 2016. Such growth is a result, above all, of the increased production at the following branches: manufacture of beverages, manufacture of tobacco products, manufacture of textiles, manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, manufacture of electrical equipment, manufacture of machines and devices, manufacture of machinery and equipment, not mentioned elsewhere and manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers.
Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply sector experienced 15.4% growth. Analyzed by sectors, industrial production experienced 5.5% decline in the Mining and quarrying sector in July 2016 compared to July 2015.
According to the main industrial groups, production in July 2016, compared to July 2015, experienced an increase at Energy – 12.5%, Capital goods – 34.5% and Durable consumer goods industry – 57.3%, while decline was observed at Intermediary goods industry, except energy – 0.4% and Non-durable consumer goods industry – 4.1%.