Skopje, 25th October 2013 (MIA) – Development of economies of Macedonia and Russia create favourable preconditions for further enhancement of the bilateral trade and economic relations, while there is great potential in the field of energy, agriculture and education.

This was concluded at today’s seven session of Macedonian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, to be co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski on Macedonian side and Minister of Justice Maxim Travnikov on Russian side.

As Ministry of Finance announced, both parties indicated that there was progress in the cooperation in the field of energy, welcoming the accession of Macedonia to the South Stream Project.

Macedonian party pointed out the need for preferential status for Macedonian agricultural and industrial products that would be exported either without or with reduced customs duties to the Russian market, whereby it was agreed to further work on this issue.

In the field of education, scholarships for studies and specializations of Macedonian students in Russia have been granted, also in the deficient areas such as the energy.
During the Intergovernmental Commission, the possibilities for cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Russian Federation in the field of industry, transport, regional cooperation, tourism and military and technical cooperation were considered.

Next mixed Commission is envisaged to be held in 2014 in the Russian Federation.

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