Skopje, 21st November 2014 (MIA) – Being ranked 7th worldwide in the “Paying Taxes 2015” Report is yet another confirmation that conditions and the whole procedure for paying taxes in the Republic of Macedonia are exceptionally favourable for the companies, i.e. the most favourable in Southeast Europe and among the best in Europe and globally, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said today.

Answering journalist questions, Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski pointed out that it was a great success to be ranked 7th among 189 countries in the world.

– Macedonia is the first in the world, the best as regards the tax rate, i.e. 7.4% reference rate, and it is among the countries worldwide showing better performance in terms of the time to comply and companies’ costs in this regard. 119 hours are needed in average in Macedonia to complete the tax payment procedure, while the time to comply in the other countries in the region is significantly longer, and the tax rate is six to seven times lower than the average in Europe. Hence, conditions are created for the companies to spend less time to comply, Stavreski underlined.

The seventh place, according to Stavreski, speaks once again of the exceptionally favourable business climate in Macedonia.

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