Bitola, 7th December 2016 (MIA) – Minister of Finance, Kiril Minoski, met managers of successful companies from Pelagonija region today, speaking of, according to him, the Government’s commitment to stimulate development of the private sector and encourage the dialogue between the public and the private sector.
Following the visit of the first Macedonian company for production of potato crisps “Stiza” and the company specialized in sale of agricultural machinery and tractors “Hemometal”, Minister Minoski underlined that development of vertical integration provided for improved environment in the production process.
– It is a pleasure to see the manner in which Macedonian products are marketed, how the potential of farmers in Pelagonija region is used, which is an advantage, since this is the way the agricultural product is bought and value added is ensured, because the final product is a product made of Macedonian potato. In reality, this is the manner in which vertical integration in the productions process should be developed at most of the companies engaged in processing, Minoski said.
At the meeting with Mirko Velkovski, manager of “Hemometal” company and President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Bitola, Finance Minister underlined that increased efficiency of agricultural production was due to the policy on subsidizing in this area.
– It has been proven that policies on subsidizing procurement of agricultural machinery contribute in particular to application of modern methods of cultivating agricultural land, and the ultimate goal of such policies is to increase efficiency of agricultural production, generate higher yields, as well as increased income for the farmers, Minoski said.
As Minoski pointed out, the Government would continue supporting the Macedonian companies by conducting low tax policy.
– Macedonia is a country with the lowest taxes worldwide. That is the best incentive for all companies, since most of what they create is returned to the private sector, hence the private sector creates value added. In addition, as regards export, exporters are also supported through the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion under the programs stimulating the linking of Macedonian companies with the supply chain of the foreign companies. We also encourage participation in fairs and other events which help the exporters create sustainably long-term business deals with abroad, Minister Minoski pointed out.