Regular meeting of Ministers of Finance and Economy of the EU Member States and Ministers of Finance and Governors of Central Banks of the candidate countries – Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Croatia and Republic of Turkey was held today, 5 May 2009.


Goal of this meeting is to open dialogue between the EU Member States, as well as European Commission representatives, and the candidate countries.


Thereby, the dialogue is realized by presenting the economic trends in the candidate countries, as well as by accepting the conclusions on the Pre-Accession Economic Programme, prepared by the European Commission, in cooperation with the Ministries of Finance of the candidate countries.


Minister of Finance, Trajko Slaveski Ph.D., addressed the present at the today’s meeting by introducing the 2009-2011 Pre-Accession Economic Programme (PEP) of the Republic of Macedonia.


PEP document is a three-year macro-fiscal programme which, besides the fiscal scenario of the candidate country, also includes the planned structural reforms, as well as the fiscal implications thereof.


Minister of Finance presented the economic situation in the Republic of Macedonia, the effects of the global crisis on the real and the financial sector, as well as the measures the Government of the Republic of Macedonia undertook to overcome the crisis.


At the same time, Minister Slaveski talked about the more significant reform achievements in the fiscal policy in the Republic of Macedonia, such as the introduced flat tax, the gross salary concept and the social contributions reform.


In the margins of the ministerial meeting, Minister Slaveski and his Czech colleague, Minister of Finance Miroslav Kalousek, signed the Protocol between the Republic of Macedonia and the Czech Republic on amendments to the Agreement for Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between the Republic of Macedonia and the Czech Republic.

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