At yesterday’s auction of government securities, banks offered Denar 6.18 million (EUR 100.5 million), however the Ministry of Finance subscribed Denar 3.6 million (EUR 58.5 million), i.e. the amount falling due to be repaid today.

Great interest in the treasury bills shows the surplus of liquidity in the banking sector, thus the Ministry expects for the bank to invest the remaining EUR 42 million in the companies and citizens in the form of credits.

Thus, we practically realize the commitment in 2013, that is for more funds to remain for the business sector.


Possibility for lower borrowing on the domestic market is due to the good collection of revenues and budget revenues collection in line with the projections in the first two months in the year, as well as the provided funds on the foreign market under the World Bank Policy-Based Guarantee. Thus, the Budget is in quite good condition and all liabilities can be settled on regular and timely basis.

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