31st October 2017, Skopje – Today, Ministry of Finance announced the data on the public and government debts for the third quarter this year, showing a decrease compared to the previous quarter.

As of 30th September 2017, government debt amounted to EUR 3.87 billion or 37.8% of GDP, which compared to the previous quarter is a reduction by EUR 9.6 million, i.e. by 0.1 p.p..

Public debt of the Republic of Macedonia, including the government and guaranteed debts amounted to EUR 4.69 billion in the third quarter this year, accounting for 45.8% of GDP, or compared to the previous quarter, it is a decrease by EUR 16.8 million in absolute terms, i.e. by 0.2 percentage points.

Reduction of public and government debts is due to the repayment of the foreign liabilities in the total amount of EUR 101.9 million.


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