State Foreign Exchange Inspectorate is a body within the Ministry of Finance, without legal personality.

Vasil Gorgov bb,
1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia
office: ++389 2 3161-425; fax: ++389 2 3161 425

State Foreign Exchange Inspectorate comprises two Units.

Inspection Surveillance and Analytics Unit

This Unit performs the tasks pertaining to the following:

  • inspection surveillance over foreign exchange operations of residents other than banks, saving houses and exchange offices having obtained working licence, as well as of non-residents;
  • monitoring and examining the legal regulations and the bylaws in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations;
  • undertaking measures for eliminating detected irregular and illegal activities;
  • preparation of information, analyses and reports on detected irregular and illegal activities;
  • proposal of amendments and modifications to legal acts or bylaws and engagement in their preparation;
  • adoption of draft plans and reports on the operations of the State Foreign Exchange Inspectorate;
  • cooperation with other competent authorities;
  • proposing and undertaking measures for interaction with other bodies;
  • preparation of decisions in administrative procedure and resolutions for their execution;
  • opinions for appeals for decisions adopted in administrative procedure to second-instance body;
  • analytical monitoring and examining the phenomena, irregular and illegal activities detected during inspection;
  • preparation of analysis, information and reports on the basis of analytical processing of inspection findings;
  • preparation of manuals and instructions on unique implementation of regulations in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations;
  • keeping journal of the Inspectorate;
  • archiving all cases prepared by the Inspectorate according to the plan on archive signs and lists of categories of keeping archive materials, as well as signing archive materials according to the existing laws and bylaws.

Head of Unit
Viktor Korosec
office: ++389 2 3161 425


Unit for Legal Affairs and Foreign Exchange Misdemeanours

This Unit performs the tasks pertaining to the following:

  • monitoring and examining the legal regulations and the bylaws in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations;
  • preparation of decisions in administrative procedure and conclusions for their enforcement, as well as undertaking other legal measures in administrative procedure;
  • preparation of requests for initiating misdemeanour procedure for all misdemeanours in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations for which the Inspectorate is authorized pursuant to law;
  • bringing criminal charges and undertaking legal measures in criminal proceedings;
  • preparation of manuals and instructions on unique implementation of regulations in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations;
  • conducting misdemeanour procedure for all misdemeanours in the field of foreign exchange and foreign trade operations envisaged by law;
  • preparation of all decisions on pronouncing misdemanour sanctions, as well as their execution during the execution procedure;
  • keeping record book on cases on foreign exchange misdemanour prepared by the Misdemeanour Commission in the Inspectorate;
  • keeping special records on legal entities and responsible persons in legal entities to which administrative or misdemeanour sanction is pronounced (both written and electronic records);
  • keeping records on execution of previous adopted decisions in administrative and misdemeanour procedure, financial operations for collection of pronounced misdemeanour sanction on the basis of foreign exchange misdmeanours by legal entities and responsible persons in legal entities;
  • undertaking the necessary legal measures for their collection;
  • simultaneous interpreting and written translation from Macedonian into Albania and vice versa;
  • translation of letters and other petition requests by clients – member of the Albanian community in the Republic of Macedonia for activities within the scope of operations of the Inspectorate.

Head of Unit
Halil Dardhista
office: ++389 2 3161 425


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