Kavadarci, 30th January 2014 (MIA) – Two major foreign investments, the factories “Drekselmaer” and “CoffeeCup”, bring around 5,000 new jobs. Almost 3,000 jobs have been opened so far in the first factory. This was announced by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, at the Party Tribune in Kavadarci yesterday.

He informed that foreign investments in the Republic of Macedonia yielding ten and so thousand jobs were a result of the commitments the Macedonian Government made to attract investments from abroad.

– Such investments are present in all regions throughout the country, Stavreski said. He went on that the Program, at this stage, envisaged talks with another 10-15 investors.

Stavreski reiterated that this Government realized numerous projects in all spheres of life in the past several years, with the only goal to improve the life of the citizens. He underlined that Macedonia experienced one more successful year, unlike many other countries that struggled the recession. He pointed out the well-designed main economic policies and the partnership relationship with the companies, the employers and the trade unions, as well as the farmers.

Finance Minister talked about Government’s measures which, as he said, provided assistance to the business sector so as to easily deal with the crisis.

– Only in our country taxes were not increased in the past several years and they remain to be the lowest in Europe, Stavreski said.
He mentioned the envisaged investments financed with the state budget this year, reiterating that EUR 140 million was intended for the Macedonian farmers, also underlining that strong support to the farmers would continue.

– It shows that this is a Government that will never abandon the farmers and will not save on the farmers. We will save on something else, where we can and should, but not on the farmers, Stavreski underlined.

Talking about activities implemented in the field of education, Stavreski announced that textbooks for first to fifth grade for the academic 2014/2015 year would be corrected and harmonized with contents used in the Great Britain, as a country with one of the most advanced educational processes.

Minister of Finance pointed out the excellent cooperation with the local authorities in Kavadarci, thereby striving for resolving the priority issues for the local economic development, such as resolving the issue of water supply in this town. It is agreed for new kindergarten to be built in Kavadarci, for which EUR 420,000 is provided.

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