Paris, 4th December 2013 (MIA) – Business forums in London and Paris are the first we have organized jointly with the “Financial Times”, the world-renowned financial magazine, read by hundreds of thousands of businessmen and investors every day. It gives these forums special importance and credibility, since they also attract larger number of businessmen and potential investors having the chance to learn about the investment opportunities in the Republic of Macedonia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said before the business forum held in Paris.

As MIA reporter announced, he, thereby, pointed out that such forums were also attended by representatives from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, renowned financial institutions, which also acknowledged the business climate in Macedonia, i.e. invited the investors to consider Macedonia as a potential destination for their future investments.

– I believe the combination of all that we can say and offer, that being the lowest taxes in Europe, favourable business environment acknowledged by the excellent position within the Doing Business Report, sound infrastructure and quality labour force, is a combination of great interest to the companies in London, and hopefully in Paris, Stavreski underlined.

Minister of Finance said he was convinced Macedonian would be even more successfully be presented as a potential destination for their investments, completing this process by having more investors visit the country, part of which would decided to invest in Macedonia and create jobs.

Business Forum in Paris will be held tonight, when French businessmen are to be addressed by the Prime Minister Nikola, who heads the government delegation, comprising also the Minister without Portfolio, Vele Samak, and the CEO of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones, Viktor Mizo.

The first Business Forum, organized in cooperation with the “Financial Times”, at which Macedonian business climate was presented, was held on Tusday in London.

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