Skopje, 2nd December 2012 (MIA) – During 4-year period, foreign investments worth EUR 1 billion and 550 million entered the Republic of Macedonia, being twice higher than the total inflow on that basis in the period 1990-2005, if the privatizations of state monopolies are excluded.


This was announced on Sunday by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, answering journalists’ questions following the press-conference for reducing the customs duties of several products as of 1st January next year.


Total inflow of foreign investments in the period 2007-2012 in the amount of EUR 1 billion and 550 million, according to Stavreski, shows that Government’s policies and measures, including the economic presentations outside the country, yield results.


– It is a pity that in such times, total inflow in both Europe and the world is to a great extent reduced compared to 2004 and 2005, and if we had the same circumstances as than, the performance would have been even better. However, it is obvious that Republic of Macedonia attracts investors even in the present conditions not only from one but also from several countries, American, British, Russian and other companies, which decide to come to Macedonia, Vice Prime Minister pointed out.


This, as he added, is mainly a result of the improved business climate since if you go on a road show, you have to say something and to say something, you need to improve the business climate, which is obvious by the ranking of Macedonia in Doing Business Report and others.


– And than that story about the conditions for doing business in Macedonia is conveyed to foreign investors since it is a matter of competition compared to other countries. All companies are aggressive and all of them want to attract investors. If you seat and do nothing in your country, than certainly no one will come thereto. People should be ambitious, visit places, explain things and strive to present the country in positive light, however, total relations in the country as regards the business climate should be above all regulated. I believe that this structure already exists and therefore investors more often decide to invest in Macedonia, Stavreski said.

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