Skopje, 24th October 2013 (MIA) – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, informed today that the Government adopted the Law, according to which names of debtors will be announced, and the Law will be referred to parliamentary procedure.

– The Law will provide for the Public Revenue Office and the Customs Administration to announce lists of the largest debtors on their websites, and the list will include all tax defaulters. Names of citizens defaulting by more than EUR 2,000 will be publicly announced, as well as names of companies defaulting by more than EUR 5,000, Stavreski said at his visit to Dojran today.

The Government proposes this Law to the end of strengthening the tax discipline. Names of all debtors will be announced, defaulting by more than 90 days, i.e. by more than EUR 2,000 for natural persons and by more than EUR 5,000 for legal entities on the basis of taxes, customs duties, excises and contributions. Names of defaulters will be announced publically on the website of the competent institutions by the 10th in the month, by groups of debts. Tax debtors will be informed several days in advance that if they have not settled the debt, they will be on the list debtors.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who recently announced the project to the businessmen, pointed out that all tax defaulters getting rich in an illegal manner, causing shortfall to the state budget and being unfair competition to those settling their liabilities on regular basis will be made known to the companies and the citizens.

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