Stavreski: Industrial zones are ‘a successful project’, supporting the domestic companies

Strumica, 11th September 2015 (MIA) – Government and local governments’ Project for construction of at least one industrial zone in each municipality in Macedonia is one of the most significant projects to support domestic companies and the economy, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said today.

During the visit to the companies in the industrial zones in Vasilevo, Stavreski underlined that the Project created conditions for construction of the whole infrastructure, streets, sewerage, electricity connections, water supply system and everything the domestic businessmen need. They, as he said, do not consider these issues, since they are already resolved, hence they can deal with what they are best in, building plants, employing people and managing their own businesses.

There are 79 companies operating in four industrial zones in Vasilevo Municipality, employing over 400 persons throughout the whole year.

According to Stavreski, the operating model in the zones in Vasilevo is perhaps the best one in all municipalities in the country.

– Immediate realization of the industrial zone by the Mayor, the local authorities and the MPs has provided for construction of 79 plants and small factories, in particular in the four zones in Vasilevo, covering an area of 88 ha, being almost half of the TIDZ area in Skopje. Hence, it is a large industrial zone where more than 400 people are employed. This is a model that needs to be applied everywhere so as to create favourable conditions for the companies, Stavreski said.

The Government, he went on, is here to help in supporting the municipalities build the infrastructure and create the favourable conditions. Five-six years ago, the Government provided for unconstructed construction land to be purchased at an initial price of EUR 1 per square meter and, together with the reduction of the utilities fees by the municipalities, it helped the businessmen to easier decide on investing.

– This shows that the same path should be followed in future as well and the municipalities not having fully developed industrial zones should speed up and complete the activities so as to provide for the businessmen and the domestic companies to invest and create job, Stavreski said.

When asked whether it could be expected for a foreign investment to enter Vasilevo Municipality, he pointed out that conditions offered in this municipality were excellent for both the domestic and the foreign investors, underlining that the local authorities were receptive to any company showing interest. Ministers for foreign investments and the economic operators, as he said, put utmost efforts to attract investors in all municipalities throughout Macedonia.

He also mentioned the recent announcement of the Prime Minister for the possible major investment in Strumica Municipality by an American company, to create at least 1,500 jobs, pointing out that the commitment would remain to be attracting foreign investors wherever possible. However, he underlined, attracting foreign investor is a long-lasting process, foreign investors are less familiar with the country and longer time is needed to convince them, to explain the possibilities Macedonia offers, what is what we do.

– It is important to also focus on the domestic investors and those small family businesses, like this one we are visiting today, or the other we have visited, since they are the businesses that create the most jobs. Ten, twenty jobs are of great significance, because many such businesses, employing 10 or 20 people, will provide for large number of people to find job, such as is the case with Vasilevo Municipality, where 400 people are directly employed. The companies here employ, together with the seasonal workers, 600 people, Stavreski said.

During his visit to the industrial zones in Vasilevo, Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski, together with the Mayor, Vanco Stojanov and the MPS from the Strumica region, marked the launch of the construction of a new street in the zone, as part of the activities to complete its infrastructure. Denar 2.8 million is allocated in the municipality budget for this purpose.

According to the Mayor Stojanov, industrial zone in Vasilevo has became a magnet for the investors not only from the Strumica region, but also from the other regions in the country.

– At the moment we are paving the street with asphalt, i.e. we are arranging the infrastructure in the industrial zone so as to provide better conditions for all investors having invested in this zone, Stojanov said.

As the Mayor said, only two lots in the zones in Vasilevo are for sale. Industrial zones in Vasilevo are mainly, 80% to 90%, occupied by companies operating in the agro industry.

One of the companies operating from the launching of the zone in Vasilevo is SG Holding, which invested in two plants for food processing and chemical industry, and they are also planning their expansion.

– We would like to take advantage of the benefits through the assistance of the Government and “Macedonia Employs” Project, hence we are planning to prepare two more plants for nuts and processing and juices and beverages, Boro Stojkov, SG Holding Director, said.

Macedonia Employs” Project has provided for 344 employments in Strumica region and 25 employments in Vasilevo.

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