Skopje, 12th August 2013 (MIA) – Macedonian economy already shows signs of recovery, industrial production grows, construction industry does traditionally well in the course of recent years, export is also positive. All this together, coupled with intensification of the realization of several major capital projects by the end of 2013 financed in the form of public investments, will help realize the envisaged growth of at least two percentages.


This is the assessment of Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, who, at his interview at MTV (Macedonian Television) last night, pointed out that economy was expected to remain within the positive zone. According to Stavreski, all budget liabilities will be fully serviced from the Budget, facing more or less problems. Budget liquidity is good, and no problem was experienced as regards regular payments in any of the previous months. Pensioners receive their pensions in the first week of the month and subsidies are paid on time, some earlier than usual, so as to help farmers receive their funds during the season, when they need them the most.


– We also settle liabilities on regular basis as regards VAT refund and payments on the basis of invoices from companies we work with. They, on the other hand, have their subcontractors, smaller companies they work with and hence the chain of liquidity of funds paid from the Budget is transferred to the business sector and the economy, helping mitigate the effects from the European crisis, Finance Minister pointed out. Under such conditions, an active Government, he went on, always has to think how to help the business sector.


– We will, above all, remain committed to the policy of not increasing the taxes, which, I would mention once again, is important, since all these countries I have previously mentioned, as well as many other European countries, have recourse to what is most easily available to them, increasing the taxes and transferring the burden to the business sector and the citizens. Taxes will remain low in our country, payments will be made on regular basis, however, there will be additional measures as budget conditions will provide for or as there will be a possibility for a certain activity to be implemented, Vice Prime Minister said.


Macedonia, he underlined, manages the challenges relatively better compared to the other countries.

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