Today, funds from the Competitiveness Policy Development Loan financed by the World Bank, amounting to EUR 36.4 million, were transferred on the account of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia.
Republic of Maceodnia has obtained these funds for successful implementation of reforms and development policies of the Government aimed at improving the business environment and competitiveness. More significant reforms supported under this loan are: development of production with high value added by attracting investments, facilitation of restructuring of agriculture sector, improvement of efficiency of trade logistics with abroad, greater flexibility of the labour market and development of skills and innovation.
This loan is continiation of the First Programmatic Competitiveness Policy Development Loan in the amount of EUR 38.7 million as of 2013. Allocating a second loan speaks in favour of the confidence the World Bank has in the quality of the economic policy conducted in the Republic of Macedonia.
Preserving of macroeconomic stability and continious implementation of reformatory measures by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia aimed at increasing investments, employment and competitiveness of Macedonian economy are continiously positively assessed by the World Bank, resulting in their financial support.