Skopje 14th March 2013 (MIA) – Macedonian tourism will be presented in the internet browser Google, so as to show the beauties of Macedonia and attract tourists.

Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski stated that in addition to the other activities undertaken for developing the tourism, there is the promotion of Macedonia through Google.

– Tourism is one of the key branches, since it is a matter of export activity, bringing foreign currency inflow and being important for the Republic of Macedonia. We also make maximum efforts and invest funds in creating offer for tourists, as well in advertising and presenting the country before the foreign tourists. In this respect, Google is the largest browser in the world, being used by all persons and in addition to the other activities, Macedonia will be promoted through Google, Stavreski said.

He believes that in this way, much more people will find out about Macedonia, expecting that most of them will come to visit it.

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