Skopje, 4th November 2014 (MIA) – Representatives from many companies in the financial sector, construction industry, insurance and real estate, food and processing industry, which are interested in and considering the investment opportunities, were briefed on the conditions for doing business in Macedonia, presented by the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the Business Forum in New York yesterday.

At the Business Forum, held in cooperation with the “Financial Times”, Andrew Loza, owner of “Smart Calling” Company, producing spare parts in the car industry, as well as energy dependence reduction software, said he was interested in investing in the Republic of Macedonia.

– We are looking for a location to build a factory and start production somewhere in the world. I came to this Forum to get familiar will all advantages and incentives offered: labour force quality, taxes, banking sector, and I am quite impressed, even more because I am planning to visit Macedonia by the end of the year or the beginning of January next year at the latest, to get informed on how much it will cost and what is necessary so as to start production by the end of next year, “Smart Calling” owner, Mr. Loza, said.

As Government Press Office announced, Prime Minister Gruevski, heading the Delegation, underlined the stable macroeconomic policy and the continuity in implementing reforms, aimed at making the country attractive for foreign investors. He pointed out that Republic of Macedonia had a very favourable business environment, being significantly improved in the last several years.

– World Bank’s Doing Business 2006 ranked the country at the 94th place, while today, it is ranked at the 30th place in the very recent Report, hence the country is ranked better in relation to 16 EU Member States, better than all countries in Southeast Europe and better than almost all countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Prime Minister Gruevski said.

He stressed that such progress in creating good business climate was also observed by other renowned institutions that monitor the economic developments, pointing out that “Forbes” has ranked Macedonia at the 36th place, as the best country in the world for doing business, advancing by 46 places in the last five years, adding that according to the “Heritage Foundation” Index of Economic Freedoms, Macedonia has advanced from the 78th place to the 43rd place.

Prime Minister Gruevski underlined that the favourable investment climate has already been recognized by several large companies, among which “Johnson Controls” from the USA, which, being satisfied with its first investment, has opened second factory, “Kemet Electronics”, also from the USA, which produces electrical devices for the car industry, “Amphenol” from the USA, “Johnson Matthey” from the Great Britain, which, in addition to its first investment, has opened another facility, “TeknoHose” from Italy, “Van Hool” from Belgium, which produces buses mostly exported to the USA, “Kromberg & Schubert” and “Dräexlmaier” from Germany, and many others. In addition, in the last several months, many companies have communicated their decision to invest in the country, while intensive talks are ongoing with several others, confirming the favourable business climate which we, as Government, are committed to, Prime Minister Gruevski pointed out.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, and CEO of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones, Viktor Mizo, also had their address, at the Business Forum in New York, on the advantages Republic of Macedonia offers for foreign investments.

Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski underlined that the American economy was in an excellent position, and New York was the center of both the USA and the global investors and finances. That was why the Business Forum was used as a possibility to present the starting-up and doing business opportunities in the Republic of Macedonia to the investors.

– It is important to explain the Government policies in the field of investments, not only the taxes, by which Macedonia is the most attractive destination in Europe and among the best in the world, but also the labour force quality, which the investors are interested in and recognize that Macedonia has quality labour force available, the good infrastructure, the stable macroeconomic policy and the low indebtedness level of the country, the low inflation and the stable currency, as well as the predictability of government policies, i.e. a long-term possibility for the investors to be able to plan and to be aware of the future policies, Stavreski underlined.

According to him, the investors show great interest in what has been presented to them, and therefore, as he said, we expect for part of them to visit Macedonia in future and for such business forums to have a hold over the interest of the American companies to invest in the country.

New York is the most important trade and economic center, the biggest regional economy in the USA, with the largest gross regional product.

Government Delegation, headed by Prime Minister Gruevski, continues its economic visit to the USA, whereby, after visiting New York, it will have its address at the Business Forum in Chicago later in the afternoon today.

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