
10th August 2021, Skopje – Macedonian companies will be provided with the opportunity to participate in NATO public tenders with an annual budget of approximately EUR 5 billion. Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement as regards defense and safety, which make this possible, have been published in the Official Gazette. The Law stipulates the procedures, according to which Macedonian companies will be able to participate in public procurement procedures for the needs of the NATO market.

This Law also governs the manner of reviewing and confirming the fulfillment of the requirements for participation of the economic operators registered in the Republic of North Macedonia in the public procurement procedures for the needs of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its Member States.

Economic operators willing to participate in the public procurement procedures for the needs of NATO and its Member States, are recorded in the economic operators’ records kept by the Ministry of Defense.

NATO membership is going to act as an economic growth catalyst. As the COVID-19-induced pandemic ameliorates, foreign directs investments are expected to scale up.

As for the example of Bulgaria, when comparing the 5-year period before NATO integration with the period upon becoming a Member State thereof, foreign direct investments have increased by almost three times, i.e. they have picked from 7% to 19.8% of GDP. They have been twice as higher in Albania, increasing from 5% to 9% of GDP. High growth has also been recorded in Romania, i.e. from 2.8% to 7.2% upon NATO accession, with FDIs picking up to 7.7% from the previous 3.2% in the Czech Republic

At the same time, as for the countries joining NATO in 2004, the average export growth increased from 6.8% in the period prior to their NATO membership to 11.8% in the period upon joining NATO.

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