
7th September 2021, Skopje – Public and private investments and competitiveness, green economy, as well as human capital and inclusive growth, are the topics to be debated today at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth beyond COVID”.

President Stevo Pendarovski and Skopje City Mayor Petre Shilegov will give their opening speeches on the second day of the Conference.

Ideas about the possibilities for greater private sector involvement will be presented at todays’ first panel discussion: Public and Private Investments and Competitiveness. Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Fatmir Bytyqi, EIB Vice President Мs. Lilyana Pavlova, EBRD First Vice President, Мr. Jürgen Rigterink, Ministers Bekteshi and Bochvarski, IFC Regional Manager for Central and Southeast Europe, Mr. Ary Naim, as well as Presidents of the three largest Chambers of Commerce, Azeski, Arsovska and Hoxha, will be the speakers at this Panel.

Panel 5: Smart and Green Economy will have European Commissioner Mr. Paolo Gentiloni, IMF Executive Director Mr. Paul Hilbers, World Bank Country Manager for North Macedonia Mr. Massimiliano Paolucci, MIGA Regional Head for Europe and Central Asia Ms. Olga Sclovscaia, UNDP Resident Representative in North Macedonia Ms. Narine Sahakyan, and Minister Naser Nuredini, as speakers.

The Conference will be wrapped up with Panel 6, debating on human capital, which is key for economic development and growth. Ideas are expected to be presented covering the topic “Human Capital and Inclusive Growth”, addressing the strengthening of the health and the education system, as well as other key issues in the area. Speeches will be delivered by Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank, Mr. Rolf Wenzel, Ministers Filipche, Carovska, Osmani, Milevski, Stefoska, as well as World Bank Practice Manager for Education for Europa and Central Asia, Mr. Harry Patrinos, and World Bank Program Leader for Human Development for Western Balkans, Mr. Jamele Rigolini.

Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi, Deputy Minister of Finance Dimitar Kovacevski and State Secretary Jelena Tast will present the Conference closing remarks.

The Conference commenced yesterday with the opening speeches of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi. High-level guests delivered their speeches at the panel discussions, covering the topics of Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth, Macroeconomic Policies and Public Finances in Post-Pandemic Times, and Good Governance and Social Cohesion.

The idea for organizing this international conference stems from the commitment of the Ministry of Finance as an institution to promote and implement inclusive dialogue with the social stakeholders. The Conference is to grow into a tradition with strong influence in the region and Europe.

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