
17th September 2021, Skopje – Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, together with Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Economic Affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska, Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bocvarski, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jagoda Sahpaska, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Naser Nuredini, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Trajan Dimkovski and members of inter-sectoral Working Group in charge of preparation of the 2022-2024 Economic Reform Programme, held the second meeting under the Programme preparation process.

Topics discussed at the meeting covered the draft reform measures to be included in the 2022-2024 Economic Reform Programme, which will be geared towards green transition, digital transformation, improved business environment and reduced informal economy, as well as enhanced human capital.

Proposed measures to be included in the 2022-2024 ERP stem from the recommendations, which are part of the adopted conclusions at this year’s Economic Policy Dialogue held in July 2021, attended by representatives of the EU Member States, Western Balkans and Turkey, as well as the EC Assessment of the 2021 – 2021 Economic Reform Programme.

Recommendations were given for improving the first draft version of the proposed reform measures. In the period to come, they will be considered within the EU Advisory Mission, as well as discussed with the public further on.

This is a continuous process, being implemented together with the EU, as a preparation for participation in the process of economic and fiscal supervision of the EU Member States, all to the end of implementing the key reform processes in the country, which will intensify the dialogue with the European Union.

Economic Reform Programme demonstrates the harmonization of the medium-term macroeconomic and fiscal framework with the sectoral structural reforms, geared towards promoting both competitiveness and growth. Entire process of the document preparation is coordinated by the Ministry of Finance, with the relevant government institutions taking part therein. Programme should be submitted to the EC by 31st January 2022 at the latest.

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