
24th April 2022, Washington – Sound economic policies and economic stability make Republic of North Macedonia eligible for using the IMF Precautionary and Liquidity Line, allocated solely to countries with sound economic fundamentals. This was pointed out at the meeting between IMF Managing Director, Kristalina Goergieva, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia, Anita Angelovska-Bezhoskla, held within the Spring Meetings taking place in Washington. The official meeting between the Minister of Finance of our country and the IMF Managing Director speaks in favor of the support this institution extends to North Macedonia.

This week, IMF announced before the IMF Board that Georgieva will recommend approval of the PPL as requested by the Republic of North Macedonia. This credit line, as indicated on the IMF website, is intended solely for countries with solid economy and sound economic policies. Only countries being positively assessed under the latest IMF mission, may be eligible for using this Instrument. In addition, the Fund also assesses the stability of the economic policies pursued by the Government and the monetary authorities, as well as the financial stability and the statistical data being announced.

During the meetings, Minster Besimi stressed that the fiscal policy in the upcoming period will be focused on supporting the living standard of the citizens and the business sector, in line with the challenges posed by the price and energy crisis. In the medium term, Government is committed to achieving sustainable economic development, fiscal consolidation and implementation of structural reforms.

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