
14th June 2022, Skopje – We are obliged to preserve the Budget stability, as well as provided funds for supporting those most affected by the crisis, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, pointed out in his interview for “24 Analiza” TV Show.

“More targeted measures entail less funds for protecting those most affected, whether they are citizens or companies. Therefore, Denar 2.4 billion more has been provided for the recipients of guaranteed minimum income, as well as funds for covering the costs for food and electricity, also intended for the vulnerable categories. Energy Poverty Program is put into place. Measures will be targeted for different categories, in case they are in need therefor. The purpose of the measures will be defined, i.e. they are to be used for electricity or solely for food products. Consultations will be conducted with all stakeholders, all to the end of better creation of the respective measures, Minister said.

He went on that measures yielding effect so far, will continue to be applied, thereby stressing that as regards the support for electricity and the citizens, they should be aware that the bill they get for consumed electricity is only 20% of the market electricity price. In future, he pointed out, the electricity bill will also include the amount subsidized by the country.

Minister stressed that more targeted measures are adopted, compared to the previously adopted set of measures, having wider scope, all to the end of preventing the speculations related to the prices.

-as recommended by the relevant international financial institutions. We are obliged to preserve the Budget stability and prevent spending of the budget funds in non-targeted manner. This is done by having precisely targeted measures in place. In case we renounce the budget inflows, more funds should be borrowed. For every Denar that we owe now, the citizens will have to pay plus 7%, given the interest rates on international market at the moment, which are different from last year, when we issued the Eurobond at an interest rate of 1.6%, Minister said.

As regards commodity reserve management, Minister stressed that additional funds have been provided for their bolstering, being at disposal for the needs set by law, in case a need arises therefor. He assessed that no need for their usage has arose so far, given that there was no shortage of food or oil derivatives on the market.

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