
17th June 2022, Skopje – All Western Balkan countries share the same goal, i.e. being part of the EU and the Single Market thereof. Only EU integration, regional ties and connectivity, as well as the Single Market can contribute to the economic development at both national and regional level. This pointed out by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi in his speech at Prespa Forum Dialogue, covering the topic “65 Days upon the Treaty in Rome: Whether Europe is fully economically recovered and integrated?”

“65 years after the Treaty of Rome, the European Single Market is the largest economic area in the world and one of the greatest achievements of the European Union, with around 500 million consumers, 24 million companies and approximately 17 million citizens working or living in a country different from their native one. All this contributes to better living conditions of the citizens, and a better economic performance as well, Minister Besimi said, stressing thereby the significance of the connectivity.

He sent a message that given the ongoing developments we face, the war waged on European grounds, as well as the challenges arising therefrom, the region should be part of the EU and that EU should forthwith integrate the Western Balkans thereto.

“Europe demonstrates that it better copes with the challenges, as evident when dealing with COVID-19 crisis, followed by the ongoing challenges related to the sanctions with Russia, thus demonstrating its responsible behavior towards the Western Balkan countries”, Minister said, adding that the future of the EU and the Western Balkan countries upon this crisis, lies with giving advantage to digitalization, green transition, infrastructure connectivity of the region, human capital, as well as good governance and fight against corruption. These are the five goals, which we should all together strive for in future, all to the end of achieving both development and better living conditions for the citizens.

Session dedicated on “65 years after the Treaty of Rome : Whether Europe is fully economically recovered and integrated” was inaugurated by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, being also attended by Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, Majlinda Bregu Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Matteo Bonomi, Economic Expert from the International Institute in Rome, Goran Gjurovic, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro, and Artane Rizvanolli, Minister of Economy of Kosovo.

Prespa Forum Dialogue (PFD) is a platform created by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia aimed at providing countries, leaders, organizations and citizens, with the possibility to build long-term relations and bolster the respective partnerships. This year’s second PDF is held in Ohrid, being dedicated on the prevalent safety, political and economic matters Europe and Western Balkans confront.

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