
13th September 2022 – Equal and fair treatment of all citizens and companies and efficient tax system to support the green sustainable economy are the goals we want to achieve with the tax reform. Inclusiveness is of special importance for the whole process – from designing the draft concept to defining the reforms. Therefore, MoF carried out broad consultations on the tax reform in the past two years, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, pointed out during yesterday’s debate held at “24 Analiza” TV show.

“Better quality health, education and infrastructure is the ultimate goal to be achieved under the tax system reform. The proposal about fair taxation is for those who were not paying tax or were paying less tax at a preferential rate or were being tax exempted to be equal with the others, since the fairness concept is for all in the system to be equal”, Besimi said.

The Minister underlined that the whole process is carried out highly transparently, with certain ideas and solutions growing from the respective debates.

“A debate has been opened so as for all stakeholders to have their say. These are systemic reforms with long-term effects on our development and economy. The ultimate goal is to improve the public services, since all of us want a better quality educations, health and infrastructure. Around EUR 160 million interest on existing borrowings is paid for decades now. As an economy, we generate less than we spend. A fair and transparent tax system has to be put in place. The concept of fairness also includes reduction of informal economy”, Besimi said.

As regards informal economy, the Minister pointed out e-invoices, e-fiscalization, “trace and track” system for excise goods at the Customs Administration, as well as other measures tackling the reduction of the informal economy, as one of the measures as per the 2021 – 2025 Action Plan on Reducing Informal Economy.

Discussing about the adequate solutions, the Minister also touched upon the Law on Profit Tax, underlining that the reform goal is for the funds to be allocated to green transition, digitalization, research and development, i.e. structural reforms contributing to making our economy more developed and more sustainable. He also mentioned the energy crisis both the world and our economy face, stressing out that systemic measures are to be undertaken as of now so as to protect the economy in the long run.

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