
15th February 2023, Skopje – The overall procedure for issuing the Eurobond will be completed upon implementing the administrative procedures, also requiring an opinion by the newly appointed Minister of Justice. As soon as a new Minister of Justice is elected, new auction will be held. Joint Lead Managers engaged in the Eurobond issue will inform the investors, whose interest shown at the latest auction, was 2.5 times higher than the offered amount, thus speaking in favor of their confidence in our country’s sound economic policies.

According to the procedure for selecting new ministers in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, on 13th February 2023, resignations by four ministers, including the Minister of Justice’s one, were submitted to the Parliament, being accepted thereby. As per the Public Debt Law, the Eurobond issue requires opinion delivered by the Minister of Justice, being among those already having submitted resignations to the Parliament.

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