
24th March 2023, Skopje – Sustainable and lasting methodology, based on objective criteria, is the solution we look for as regards the wages of employees in the entire public sector. We are already working on the Law on Public Sector Wages, it is published on ENER (Single National Electronic Registry of Regulations) and put for a public debate. We are looking for the solution together with the partners in the Economic and Social Council, the Unions and the employers.

At the moment, activities for finding a sustainable systemic solution are underway, which solution will apply to the whole public sector, as was the case with the minimum wage and the pensions. Methodology has been introduced under the Law on Administrative Servants, pursuant to which minimum wage is set as a basic component in the wage of the state administration employees. Hence, wages of all state administration employees increase in line with the criteria defined for minimum wage increase. It pertains to the employees covered by this Law, while with respect to the other employees, wage increase is regulated under the collective agreements.

It is a systemic solution for the wages of public sector employees, on the basis of set objective criteria. Such solutions was adopted for the increase of both the minimum wage and the pensions. In line with the respective solution, from now on, on the basis of defined criteria – increase of costs of living and increase of average wage – increase of minimum wages will be determined each year in March. This is a system introduced and incorporated in the Law and it will apply in practice.

Thus, under the introduced systemic solution, starting this month, minimum wage increases by Denar 2,175 or by 12.55% compared to March last year. Average wage of employees in the country has also increased, reaching Denar 34,000, growing by more than 13%. According to the data announced by the State Statistical Office, average net wage has increased in almost all activities. Wages have surged as follows: by around 16% in Manufacturing, by 20% in Construction, by 12% Trade, by 23% in Transport, by 17% in Information and communications, by 9% in Financial and insurance activities, by 13% in Administrative and auxiliary services, by 6% in Public administration and Defense, , by 15% in Education, by 5% in Health and social protection, by 13% in Arts, entertainment and recreation, by 17.8% in creative, arts and amusement activities, reaching close to Denar 38,000, with average wage increasing by 15.5% in the field of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities, reaching around Denar 35,000.

This Government is undertaking measures to increase the wages and protect the living standard of the citizens.  Last year, wages increased in the following sectors: by 15.5% in primary and secondary education, by 15% in kindergartens, by 7% in higher education (in addition to 8% increase in 2021), by 18% in culture, by 15% in judiciary, by 5% in police, etc.

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