
15th May 2023, Skopje – Wages of public sector employees will be defined under the Law on Wages, which, in future, will stipulate the rules to regulate the wages in public institutions, and on the basis of the General Collective Agreement, which includes a methodology for systemic solution as regards the growth pace of the wages of public sector employees,

Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, pointed out at today’s meeting with the journalists, underling that the adoption of the Law on Wages is an extensive process, still activities are ongoing for adoption of the General Collective Agreement, which includes the methodology for increase of public sector employees’ wages.

“General Collective Agreement is a matter discussed within the Economic and Social Council. We had a meeting last week, and I am optimistic about finding a solution. Two proposals were made for the minimum wage or the average wage to be taken as the base.  Both proposals are acceptable for us. This is a major reform which cannot be implemented throughout a single year. A transition period therefore is needed”, Minister Besimi pointed out.


The Minister emphasized that regardless of which solution is accepted, it is to be sustainable, to provide for proper and decent wages of the employees and safeguard the living standard and the inflationary trends. As minimum wage and pensions system has been established, system of wages of public sector employees will also be established, which will take the costs of living and the economic performance, i.e. the average wage, into account when wages are increased.

“Wages increased in many sectors within the public sector in the past years. The systemic solution provides for such increase to continue”, Minister of Finance said, adding that the wage growth solution is to be applied starting next year, since all reforms which are to be implemented are to be envisaged in the medium-term framework.



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