
7th July 2023, Skopje – Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi participated in the process for issuing the development for citizens, by purchasing a single development bond for citizens as a token gesture, as announced on his FB Profile, thereby indicating that this investment provides for the country’s development, thus investing in development projects financed by the State Budget, in support of the economy and the citizens’ well being as a whole.

“I applied for purchasing a development bond for citizens to the bank, and the bank will inform me about the outcome of the auction, which will be held on 13th July 2023, whereby developments bond for citizens will be registered in the Central Securities Depositary, on 20th July 2023, Minister wrote on his Facebook Profile.

He stressed that as a result of this investment of Denar 10,000, it is expected for Denar 500 to be earned for two years in a row, on 20th July 2024 and on the same date in 2025, when the entire invested value of Denar 10,000 will be repaid. Thereby, he urged the citizens to take part in this important process bringing personal benefits thereto, given that these investments are safe and favourable.

As a public office holder, i.e. Minister of Finance, authorized for making decisions when issuing securities aimed at financing the Budget, he stressеd that he will not participate with additional investments in the development bonds for citizens, thus avoiding any conflict of interest.

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