
10th July, 2023, Skopje – Upon intensive discussions and meetings, the working group defined the wage growth model for public administration employees, in Ministry of Finance’ building today.

“Systemic and sustainable solution on wage growth for public sector employees, was attained. Proposal being jointly prepared with trade unions’ representatives, will be submitted to the Economic and Social Council, for approval, at a session, which will take place in the next few days. This systemic solution provides for 10% wage growth for all public sector employees, starting with the wage to be paid in September 2023, Minister, Fatmir Besimi said, who together with Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi and Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jovana Trenchevska,  ware part of this working group.

As he added, this solution provides for protecting the interests of the employees, the living standard, while also keeping pace with the domestic economy productivity.

“What matters the most is that this solution was attained via dialogue, thus building mutual confidence, putting in place a long-term system, ensuring wage growth of all public sector employees, and safeguarding the living standard of the citizens”, Minister Besimi pointed out.

In addition to 10% wage growth as of September, a new wage methodology, including a coefficient based on the average gross wage, was introduced, which will apply as of March 2025. 2023 vacation allowance is also to be paid, the net amount of which will be Denar 10,000, whereby as of 2024 onwards, it was agreed for this amount to account for at least 30% of the average net wage under the General Collective Agreement.

For the purpose of implementing the aforementioned, Supplementary Budget preparation will follow in September.

Dialogue on wage growth is conducted within the Economic and Social Council,  whereby signing of  the General Collective Agreement for all public sector employees was part of the agenda over the past period, all to the end of coming up with a systemic solution, which will apply equally to all.

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