
3rd October 2023, Skopje – Upon development bond for citizens and green bond, auction was held today, whereby project bond will be introduced on the capital market as another new financial instrument, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi announced for the regional SeeNews site.

“Ministry of Finance staff plans to introduce a new instrument on the market, intended for financing infrastructure projects, as part of the new strategy for diversifying the offer on the capital market”, Minister Besimi said.

Minister added that new project bonds will be an alternative way for the institutional investors to finance the respective infrastructure projects.

He also touched upon the already introduced development bond for citizens and the green bond.

“In July this year, Ministry of Finance issued 2-year development bond for citizens, amounting to Denar 1.448 billion (EUR 23.6 million with 5% fix interest rate per year, being as twice as much the projected amount of Denar 600 million. Ministry of Finance is already carrying out preparatory activities for the second issue of development bond for citizens”, Minister of Finance underlined, adding that this instrument will be continuously available on the capital market for the citizens.

As he stressed, green bond auction was held today, EUR 10 million out of which is expected to be used as support for green projects via the Energy Efficiency Fund within the Development Bank.

New types of government securities, as Minister said, are incorporated in the Public Debt Management Strategy, the Strategy for Development of Government Securities Market and the Growth Acceleration Plan, all of them including a development component and aimed at supporting projects planned within and in line with the Budget.


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