2nd March 2020, Skopje – Grant funds amounting to EUR 4.7 million under the Municipal Services Improvement Project have been used for energy efficient adaption of the kindergarten “Veseli Cvetovi” in Kisela Voda, visited by around 190 children. Аt present, another five kindergartnets are being renovated and equipped under MSIP implemented by the Ministry of Finance wth World Bank support, thus providing for better conditions by around 1,000 children going therein, Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska said, who together with the Mayor of Kisela Voda Filip Temelkovski visited the renovated kindergarten today.

-Investments in human capital are necessary to improve the productivity of the population in the long run. Kindergartnets, i.e. preschool care are of great significance, since this is when the childern make the first contact with the instuitutions, thus being introduced in the educational process. Preschool education is significant for socialization of kids, gaining self-confidence, cognitive skills, being also a basis for further education, especially if it is taken into consideration that the child’s brain is mostly developed by the age of 5 – Minister of Finance Angelovska said.

She stressed that under MSIP, activities are currently undertaken aimed at reconstructing and equipping another five kindergartents, i.e. reconstructuring a kindergarten in Centar Municipality and equipping fur kindergartents in Gostivar Municipality, by which around 1,100 children will be provided better conditions in the kindergartents.  They should be all completed in March. Angelovska said that new kindergartens were also built in Karpos, Sopiste and Zrnovci through the Municipal Services Improvement Project during the two and a half years.

Angelovska also pointed out that Denar 105 million has been set aside from this year’s Budget for the purpose of constructing, extending, reconstructing or procuring equipment for kindergartens in 9 municipalities.

-As for Sopiste, Cair and Vasilevo, construction ad equipping of the kindergartens therein was planned, reconstruction and adaptation of the existing premises and procurement of equipment in Delcevo, extension and procurement of equipment in Strumica, Gostivar and Gorce Petrov, procurement of equipment for the kindergartens in Banjica Village in Gostivar and ilinden, as well as in Ilinden Municipality, where in addition to the procurement of new equippment, mahinery installation has been envisaged.  Children are our future and by investing in education, health and social affairs, we ​​are investing in taking full advantage of their potential, which, accoridng to the current estimates, is only half used. – Angelovska said.

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