Today, Payment Agency, through which IPARD funds will be realized in Macedonia, received accreditation from the European Commission, Ministry of Finance announced.
National Authorising Officer and National Fund within the Ministry of Finance, Operating Structure for Rural Development comprised of the Managing Body within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, as well as Audit Authority within the State Audit Office were also granted conferral of management powers by the European Commission.
Thus, all these structures will implement the Fifth IPA Component for Rural Development by extended decentralised implementation system.
By awarding the accreditation, European Commission recognized the efforts of the Macedonian Government in establishing structures for fully decentralised management of IPA assistance in the state administration within this Component, as well as establishing legal framework for proper and efficient spending of the assistance awarded by the European Union, Ministry representatives said.
In line with 2007-2012 Operational Programme for Rural Development, Macedonia is allocated EUR 62.5 million IPARD funds. Government will make available additional funds of 25 percents as compulsory national co-financing.
IPARD Programme aims to improve competitiveness of agricultural production, agricultural and food sector and quality of life of rural population by harmonizing them with EU standards, as well as to achieve sustainable environment and social and economic development of rural areas by encouraging economic activity and increasing job opportunities.
Projects to be financed with IPARD Programme refer to investments in agricultural enterprises for their restructuring and upgrading, processing and marketing of agricultural and fish products and diversification and development of rural economic activities in line with EU standards.
After the request for accreditation was submitted and after EC audit missions, it is expected for the conferall of management powers for IPA Component I – Transition Assistance and Institutional Building to be granted.(MIA)