Budget is in good condition. As of December inclusive, total revenues accounted for 96.3% of the projections, whereas budget deficit was within the preliminary projections at the planned level of 2.77% of GDP. This year, like last year, salaries, pensions and social contributions will be paid on time.


This was pointed out by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, at the joint press conference with the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Xhelal Bajrami, emphasizing that all this contributed to fiscal stability at the begging of 2010 and timely payment of planned budget funds.


– Throughout 2009, Republic of Macedonia managed to make regular payments of pensions in the first week of the month, which was not the case three-four years ago, when pensions were paid by categories from 15th to 20th in the month, Minister Stavreski said, adding that Denar 94 million was paid on the first working day in 2010 for third person care, and funds were transferred for pensions, which pensioners can withdraw from their transaction accounts.


Minister of Labour and Social Policy explained that 52,000 citizens, beneficiaries of social benefits, as well as beneficiaries of permanent pecuniary assistance, received their funds on time, except for the slight delay at the category of beneficiaries of third person care in December due to technical problems.


Minister of Finance pointed out that today’s auction of treasury bills with forex clause was not related to pensions, since the pensions were already paid, and the auction was not completed.


He also added that the auction amount was reduced by around Denar 600 million in relation to the average last year, and the interest was lowered, expressing his assurance that such trend will continue in the coming months.


As Stavreski pointed out, policy for 2010 is to reduce auction amounts so as to borrow less funds from the banks, i.e. to put more funds in the economy.(MIA)

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