Denationalization, property and legal affairs, purchase of courtyard land and credits for self-employment are just few of the issues citizens raised before the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski today, within the so-called ”open cabinet” campaign.


There were almost no critics, compliments prevailed, however the Ministry, as Stavreski said, would like to also here some suggestions since, according to him, there is certainly room to improve the services.


– Today, Ministry of Finance opened the doors for citizens for the purpose of greater transparency and possibility for them to pose questions and present problems, as well as to give ideas and suggestions for improving our work. I believe that we, me and my team, will manage to give reply to most of them. As for the other issues, we will give feedback upon consulting other competent institutions, Stavreski said after meeting some of the citizens.


Such direct discussions, he added, enable the Ministry to assess its own policies and the manner of treating the citizens.


Some of them, who have already met Minister Stavreski, expressed huge contentment with the so-far work of the Government.


– I am very satisfied with the work of this Government, doing its best for the benefit of Macedonian citizens. I believe it will put the country on sound footing. We cannot constantly criticize the Government for everything, nor to blame it for the external developments, was one of the comments. Citizens believe that price blow is not a consequence from the work of the Ministry of Finance.


Over 150 citizens expressed interest to meet Minister Stavreski in the “open cabinet” campaign today (MIA).

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