5th December 2017, Skopje – Consultations with the business community, the universities, the local authorities, the social partners, the civil society and other stakeholders and interested parties on the Draft 2018 – 2020 Economic Reform Programme were held at the Ministry of Finance today.

Minister of Finance, Dragan Tevdovski, expressed gratitude to all participants for their great interest and active contribution to the ERP preparation process.

Upon request by the participants, during the consultations, it was agreed for the opinions, the comments and the proposals to be submitted by Monday, 11th December at the latest, rather than on 8th December, hence the stakeholders were provided extended period for their comments.

After adopting the Draft 2018 – 2020 Economic Reform Programme (ERP), Government of the Republic of Macedonia will submit the document to the European Commission by 31st January 2018.


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