Strumica 23rd August 2012 (MIA) – Today, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski and the Mayor of the Municipality of Bosilovo Ljupco Kolev, laid the cornerstone of the new bridge on Monospitovo-Bansko road.

Marking the start of the construction of the new bridge, Vice Prime Minister Stavreski stressed that by implementing this Project, the Government, under favourable credit from the World Bank, helps the Municipality of Bosilovo and the citizens of Monospitovo in solving this vital issue.

– Municipality of Bosilovo is a good partner to the Ministry of Finance, solving series of crucial issues under well-founded projects. We hope the contractor will observe the deadlines and that this bridge will be put into operation in November. Total investment for this bridge amounts to Denar 8.3 million, being a chain in the further development of the Municipality of Bosilovo and the region as a whole, Vice Prime Minister Stavreski said.

According to the Mayor Kolev, today’s laying of the bridge cornerstone, means fulfilling the promise given to the citizens of Monospitovo, who in the past two years, following the floods in October 2010, had to walk even ten or so kilometers to reach their fields.

– We are proud that with have realized another promise with the Government’s help. New bridge will connect us with the Municipality of Strumica, and indirectly with the Municipality of Novo Selo. The bridge is important for direct connection of this part of the region with the international road M6, being of economic significance in the further economic development of the Municipality of Bosilovo, Kolev said.

Minister of Finance Zoran Staveski used today’s visit to the Municipality of Bosilovo to get familiar with the realization dynamics of several activities, being realized in the Municipality of Bosilovo, through the World Bank Municipal Services Improvement Project.

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