Skopje, 5th July 2012 (MIA) – Customs Administration presented the upgraded electronic system for issuing approvals for outward processing, i.e. system for procedures having economic impact.

System is a step forward to fulfilling the most priority commitment of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, that is creating better business climate for companies, being the key driving force of Macedonian economy.

– One of the first commitments of this Government is creating better climate for companies, being the key driving force of the economy in a country. Therefore, already several years in a row, we have implemented measures that could improve the functioning of the economy, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said in his presentation address.

He added that in the past years, in crisis situation, the number of border crossings, where all-day 24/7 import and export customs clearance is carried out increased, the administrative fees for customs declaration and issuance of proof of origin EUR-1, as well as the fees paid to the inspection services were abolished. Customs procedures for certain raw materials, in particular for shoe and food industry were reduced or abolished. – Implementation of these measures reduced the costs, accelerated the flow of goods and increased the competitiveness of companies, Stavreski said, adding that the electronic exchange and data processing, in addition to acceleration, provides for transparency in the procedure implementation, as well as establishment of the principles for risk analysis and selectivity when carrying out control.

At present, the Customs Administration has 40 electronic applications, four out of which are used by the enterprises.

Director of Customs Administration Vanco Kargov emphasizes that the Customs Administration aims to facilitate and accelerate the customs procedure, inviting the businessmen to use this system, which will save both time and money.
System for procedures having economic impact is upgraded system applied by numerous Macedonian companies, using the procedures having economic impact. At today’s presentation, it was shown how a huge set of paper documents, consisting hundreds of pages, which were necessary to prepare and process so far, i.e. until this system was developed, are replaced with just a single document from now on.

Customs Administration announced that in the period to come, regional customs offices will organize trainings for the customs officials and the companies – users of the system.

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