Skopje, 30th October 2014 (MIA) – Macedonia has proven, once again, that it is leader in the region in implementing reforms aimed at improving the business environment. It is ranked as the best in the region in the World Bank Report. It is ranked first as regards the lowest tax burden on the businesses, and third in the world with respect to the time necessary to start business.

This was pointed out by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, at today’s press conference, at the occasion of the published World Bank “Doing Business Report” which, as he said, verifies the policies and the reforms the Government implements to improve the business environment.

He emphasized that Macedonia advanced the most, as stated in the Report, from the 38th place to the 7th place as regards the paying taxes indicator.  – According to this indicator, which measures the total tax rate, the number of tax procedures and the time necessary to prepare, fill in and submit the tax returns, favourable tax policy and implemented reforms aimed at increasing the efficiency of the tax administration have contributed for Macedonia to be ranked at the high 7th place in the world and at the 2nd place in Europe, following Ireland, Stavreski pointed out.

He went on by adding that the tax rate is 7.4%, while, for comparison purposes, the tax rate in Croatia is 18.8%, in Montenegro – 22.3%, in Serbia – 38.6, in Slovenia – 32%, in Bulgaria – 27%, in Turkey – 40.1%, in Greece – 49.9%, in Albania – 30.7%, in Kosovo – 15.3%. Total tax rate in Europe is around 45% in average. These figures, as the Deputy Prime Minister underlined, prove that business in Macedonia is least burdened with taxes.

According to the procedures for paying taxes annually, the country is ranked at the 13th place in the world and at the 5th place in Europe, as a result of the introduction of electronic tax system, which has shortened the number of procedures for paying taxes by four times.

Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that the Macedonia was the most successful at the starting a business indicator, according to which the country is continuously at the top of the World Bank ranking list. – If 10 years ago you could register a company in 48 days in Macedonia, now the procedure is shortened to only 2 days, as a result of the electronic system for registration in the Central Registry of Macedonia, Stavreski said, adding that the registration was free of charge and no start-up capital was required.

Although there is a reason to be satisfied, however, there is still from for improvement, Stavreski said, adding that improvements needed to be made as regards the getting electricity indicator, as well as dealing with construction permits and enforcing contracts indicators.

He explained that, as regards access to electricity, efforts needed to be put to reduce the costs and the time needed to get connected, while regarding construction permits, procedures needed to be improved at local level.

World Bank published the Doing Business 2015 yesterday, ranking Macedonia at the 30th place. The country has advanced by one place and by even 64 places compared to the last nine years. It is the best ranked in the region and is among the 20 countries having implemented the most key reforms in the past year.


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