The new Law will regulate organizing games of chance, which is to provide for greater security, confidence and protection of participants and organizers of games of chance, as well as reduction of grey economy and control of cash flows in the field of games of chance.
The Law proposed by the Government should be submitted to the Parliament and it is expected to be adopted in a month or two.
Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, at today’s press conference, said that the need to adopt a new law is because the existing one governing this field dates from 1997, not corresponding to the needs on the games of chance market, the wishes of participants and the possibilities for the organizers.
Among the novelties envisaged under the new legal solution is the mandatory electronic connection of the organizers of special games of chance, i.e. casinos, slot-machine clubs and betting houses, with the computer system of the Public Revenue Office. It will apply from 1st January 2012. All slot-machines, i.e. computers should be connected in the system, through which data will be recorded from all business premises of the organizer, so the system will provide data on payments-in and payments out, which can be shown any time.
– By introducing this system, organizers of these games will be exempt from paying the pervious special fee of four percents of the payment as regards betting houses and the monthly lump-sums as regards slot-machine clubs and casinos. Instead, all organizers of special games of chance should pay the same fee in the amount of 20 percents of the difference between total payments in and payments out, Minister Stavreski explained, saying that this novelty is in the interest of strengthening tax discipline in the field of special games of chance, through constant and continuous control by PRO.
As regards this year, transitional solution was accepted for the betting houses to pay a fee in the amount of Denar 100,000 per point of payment, i.e. facility. He emphasized that currently budget funds on this basis are not large and that more realistic picture about the amount of the yields can be obtained after a year of applying this Law, however, the grey economy is quite high.
The Law envisages prohibition for access of minors to casinos, betting houses, slot-machine clubs, i.e. any premises where games of chance are organized. Space restrictions applied to the sports betting houses are also abolished, i.e. payments in and payments out can be made at all places, and they should have minimum space requirements for regular performance of the activity.
There is also a novelty as regards the fees for obtaining licenses and special fees at special games of chance increased by five percents, which according to the Minister is moderate and will not harm the market. These funds are aimed at financing sports clubs and national sports federations through the Agency of Youth and Sports.
The Law also envisages organizing new type of internet games of chance, for which license for the software producer will be issued in the amount of EUR 25,000, as well as license for organizers in the amount of EUR 50,000. Moreover, interactive games of chance such as quizzes will be also regulated. It is stipulated for the payment of the gain to be made within 60 days at the latest, and deadlines for issuance of licenses is set to 30 days and for permits to 8 days.
The Law is prepared on the basis of the experience of EU, the region and other European countries, and during its preparation, Chambers of Commerce were consulted, as well as NGOs, directly financed from the funds realized from organization of games of chance and entertainment games. (MIA)