Demir Hisar, 2nd March 2013 (MIA) – World renowned Russian company for manufacturing ballet equipment and other type of sports equipment GRISKO, on Saturday, in Demir Hisar village Slepce, opened the first factory for manufacturing ballet shoes, which will create 80 jobs.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski addressed the ceremony, stating that this Greenfield investment is a result of the Government road show last year in the Russian Federation, where the first negotiations for realization of this investment started.

He pointed out that GRISKO Company chose Macedonia as destination for its new factory following the presented opportunities for investing in the country and the assistance the national institutions offer in the interest of the investor.

– GRISKO decided to locate its factory here, in the former Rural House in Slepce village. Today, we stand in front of the new factory, which initially plans to create around 80 jobs. Job creation is of special importance for the development of this region. I believe this company will have opportunity to choose very diligent and productive workers in the region. What is of great significance is also the fact that the company plans to also engage persons with physical disability, which additionally shows their social responsibility and for which I would like to pay my sincere compliments to them, Prime Minister Gruevski said.

He pointed out that it is very significant that GRISKO plans to open the second factory in Demir Hisar in the second phase of the investment, which will create another 200 jobs and which will be located in the former women’s hospital building. It should start its operations at the end of the year.

– Thus, a large investment in Demir Hisar will be completed, an investment that will revive and positively instigate the region. This investment will be beneficial for both the newly employed persons and their families, as well as for the other Macedonian companies from the textile and shoe industry that will cooperate with GRISKO, Prime Minister Gruevski stressed.

President of the Company Nikolay Grisko indicated that the energy and sincerity, as well as the honesty of the Prime Minister and his team during their visit in Moscow last year in June, played the key role in his decision to invest in Macedonia.

– That was the start of this Project. We promised that we will create new jobs and this factory is a proof thereof. As of today, I am a Macedonian, a citizen of this wonderful country.  I must admit that there is no corruption and crime in this country, which was beyond my belief, Grisko said, expressing his deep gratitude to the government team for their support in the realization of the investment.

Russian Ambassador to Macedonia Oleg Nikolaevic Shcherbak welcomed this Russian investment in Macedonia, which, as he said, increases the number of Russian direct investments, amounting to US$ 400 million at present.

– Russian Federation will continue to give maximum contribution as regards the relations of mutual interest, among the other, in the trade and economic area, as well as in the investment field as well. In order to achieve precise results, we consider that it is very important to increase the constructive cooperation at national level, as well as to maintain the dynamic development in the communication between the business communities of both countries, Shcherbek pointed out.

Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski pointed once again that this investment means revival of Demir Hisar and providing for the existence of hundreds of families in this region.

– Government strives to bring investors in all regions of the country, and we are especially satisfied that Mr. Grusko decided to carry out this investment exactly in Demir Hisar. Thus, manufacturing from Demir Hisar will be promoted in the most famous world markets from the USA to Russia, Japan, Italy, while the company, which is a number one in the world in this field, will manufacture footwear here in Demir Hisar and will be sold worldwide, Stavreski said.

Minister in charge of Attracting Foreign Investments Bil Pavlevski, who was responsible for the realization of this investment, said that Grisko is world renowned company, being ranked among the top three global leaders for manufacturing ballet shoes, shoes for all dance genres, clothing for fitness and yoga, as well as other free sporting activities. The company owns five factories and sells its products in 70 countries in the world.

Owner of the Company, Grisko also expressed readiness for supporting the ballet art in Macedonia and improving the working conditions of ballet dancers, and he also announces opportunity awarding scholarships to our artists and stay at seminars in Russia.

At the occasion of the opening of GRISKO factory, part of the Orchestra of Macedonian Opera and Ballet held concert in the Cultural Center in Demir Hisar.

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