Today, Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev, accompanied by the Minister of Finance, Kiril Minoski, and Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov, visited Stajkovci, a village affected by the floods.
Dimitriev informed the citizens that, starting today, Damage Assessment Commissions were on the field making the assessment and, once their work was completed, funds would be transferred to the citizens. One-off pecuniary assistance for the families having suffered losses of lives of their family members in the floods would also be launched soon.
– Central Damage Assessment Commission has been established. Many municipal commissions will also be established, since there is large area to be covered. According to the assessments these municipal commissions make, damages will be compensated through the Central Commission, in correlation with the Ministry of Finance and the Government.
He also underlined that both the Army and the Police were engaged on the ground, as well as volunteers, and a lot of construction machinery was employed, while the way the activities were organized today, compared to the day before, was much better and gave results.
– What is the most important is that the Government has assigned coordinators in the inhabited areas, those being the Ministers, since many institutions take part and their activities need to be coordinated. The Ministers will be continuously on the ground and will coordinate the activities, so you can address them for assistance and help, hence the activities can be well planned and resources prioritized, Dimitrov said.