13th August 2018, Skopje – Municipalities can apply with capital projects for EUR 6.5 million through the Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP. Municipal authorities should prepare draft projects so as to apply at the public call, which is to be announced by the Ministry of Finance in September.

Municipal Services Improvement Project is implemented by the Ministry of Finance. The Project is supported by the World Bank providing a total amount of EUR 81.1 million and IPA grant funds for rural development in the amount of EUR 14.6 million. Project objective is improvement of municipal services rendered to the citizens, as well as increased capacities of municipal administration to implement the projects.

Municipal projects are financed within this Project, such as construction and reconstruction of water supply system, sewerage and waste water collection, local road infrastructure, energy efficiency, construction of kindergartens, green markets, industrial zone infrastructure and alike projects.

– Thousands of citizens in Macedonia are delivered better services by their municipality thanks to this Project. It is a matter of ten and so kilometers of new or reconstructed local streets, built or reconstructed water supply network, reconstructed water beds, kindergarten, cultural center, municipal building, etc., annually. These are real projects with real values for the citizens, Minister Dragan Tevdovski said.

Total of 72 capital projects were realized in 41 municipalities within this Project alone in the period from June 2017 to June 2018.


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