21st August 2017, Skopje – Today, Ministry of Finance published the pre-election financial report, wherein all budget revenues and expenditures are shown in detail by items, for the period 1st January 2017 – 18th August 2017, i.e. within two weeks from the date of scheduling the elections.

In line with the Electoral Code (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, nos. 40/2006, 136/2008, 148/2008, 155,2008, 163/2008, 44/11, 51/11, 142/12, 31/13, 34/13, 14/14, 30/14, 196/15, 35/16, 97/16, 99/16, 136/16 and 142/16) Article 8-a, paragraph 4, Ministry of Finance is obliged to publish the pre-election report within two weeks from the scheduling of the elections. The Ministry also submitted the report to the State Election Commission.

Pre-election financial report

Pre-election financial report


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