Information regarding the list of acts and materials that the ministries are obliged by law to publish on their websites was reviewed and adopted at the 34th session of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.
In addition, one can find a table with links to all individual documents and information:
Information | Link |
A strategic plan of the ministries and other state administration bodies | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Strateski-plan-na-MF-2018-2020.pdf |
Budget – the State Budget is published on the website of the Ministry of Finance | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BUDZET_2019_SL._VESNIK_ZA_OBJAVUVANJE_0.pdf |
Adopted reports for the realization of the Budget – reports concerning the execution of the Budget of RSM and the budgets of the municipalities are published on the website of the Ministry of Finance |извештаи-2/ |
Final account and the final audit report on the budget | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Audit-Report-2016.pdf |
Public procurement plan, with all of its changes and amendments |јавни-набавки-2/ |
Rulebook on internal organization |систематизација-и-организација/ |
Organogram on internal organization | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/organogram08_08.pdf |
List of persons employed in the institution with the position, official e-mail and official telephone number |список-на-лица-в…ени-во-институци/ |
Consolidated texts of laws and bylaws under the jurisdiction of each ministry |закони-и-прописи-2/ |
Forms used by citizens when submitting submissions to the ministries for exercising their rights, and especially forms of requests from citizens for issuing real acts, for those ministries that issue them |управа-за-имотно-правни-работи/ |
Tariffs for fees for issuing real acts |управа-за-имотно-правни-работи/ |
List of public information | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Lista-na-informacii-od-javen-karakter-2-1.pdf |
Rulebook on protected internal reporting | /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/mfrm_pr_750_107-1_17_11procedura_za_zastiteno.pdf |
Contact of the person authorized for protected internal reporting |лице-овластено-з…-на-пријави-од-у/ |
Name and surname of the personal data protection officer, position in the institution, official e-mail and official telephone |заштита-на-лични-податоци/ |
Contact telephone number and e-mail from the Ministry | Tel.: +389 2 3255-300 |
List of active registers maintained by the ministries, depending on the competence |состојба-на-сист…за-внатрешна-рев/ |
Announcement of monthly events – online calendar | |
Note: Audit reports for the Ministry of Finance prepared by the State Audit Office are published on their website, whereas the internal audit reports are not published
Law on Free Access to Public Information
List of public information available to the Ministry of Finance
Request for access to public information
Request for access to public information
Requests and reply to requests for access to public information
Salaries and allowances of special, personal, and external advisers to the Minister of Finance
Mediation official
Angelina Jakimovska
tel.: 02/3255-442
E – mail: