Strumica, 28th November 2012 (MIA) – Radovis and Strumica will be connected with modern motorway, that will provide for faster flow and safer traffic. It is expected for this section of the motorway to be commissioned in January next year.

Road section is long 10 kilometers, envisaging driving at the speed of 100 kilometers, rather than the 40 kilometers per hour as it is the limit on the existing road section at the moment. Today, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, together with the Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski and the Director of the Agency for State Roads Ljupco Georgievski got informed about the field works.

– Road section from Radovis to Strumica is a promise made to the citizens. Field works are performed with full steam. Agency for State Roads and contractor "Granit" will continue with the intensive construction in the next few weeks as well, and at the beginning of next year, this road section will be completed. Cobblestones will be a past, and this modern road will be the future that will help citizens from this region to drive safely and to have better access to Stip and Skopje, Vice Prime Minister Stavreski said.

He announced that major projects will be also realized in the road and railway infrastructure in the next four years. Thereby, he pointed out that upon directions by the Government, the Agency for State Roads will prepare project for enlarging Veles – Kadrifakovo road section as well, where road accidents often occur since it is narrow. Agency for State Roads should prepare project that will envisage road section, 11 meters wide with two main and two auxiliary lanes, thus increasing the safety of this road section as well and facilitating the traveling in this region in the Republic of Macedonia. In the eastern part of this country, as Minister said, there is and there will be intensive construction in the coming period.

Talking about infrastructure projects in the next four years, Vice Prime Minister Stavreski said that intensive construction was launched, field works continue for Demir Kapija – Smokvica motorway, as one of the largest projects to be realized in the next several years and that the Government strives to provide financial scheme and funds for realizing the motorways, which were announced from Kicevo to Ohrid and from Miladinovci to Stip.

He expressed hope that concessionary for the sections from Gostivar to Kicevo and from Skopje to Blace will be also provided, since it is a matter of road sections, where there is larger flow of vehicles and with respect to this, they are more attractive for concession.

Government will also continue, as Minister announced, to realize the projects for construction of regional and local roads.

Road section Radovis is worth Denar 445 million, the funds are provided from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia and the construction works are performed by “Granit”, after the contract with the previous contractor was terminated due to the delay in the time limits (Croatian INGRA).

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