25th April 2020, Skopje – MyVAt and MyVAT#MyPrize in the spirit of solidarity, join the fight against Covid-19. One portion of the prize fund of #My Prize will be focused on the fight against Covid-19, by which the daily prizes will be reduced to 10 prizes of Denar 500, while the monthly draws amounting to Denar 100,000 each for May and June, will not be held. Citizens will also be able to donate funds from their VAT refund through “MyVAT” application.
The prize fund of the Prize Game: “MyVAT #MyPrize” has been reduced by Denar 4.4 million, which funds will be invested in the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund. From the beginning of May until the end of June, 10 daily prizes of Denar 500 will be awarded through #MyPrize, while the monthly draws of Denar 100,000 each, will not be held in May and June. Thus, there will be 10 draws for the higher cash prizes instead of the planned 12 draws.
The monthly draws will continue as of 4th July, when the fifth draw will be held, wherein, all valid and non-winning serial numbers from the daily draws from the scanned fiscal receipts for the period 1st April 2020 -30th June 2020, will participate. The second premium of Denar 3 million will be drawn at the end of the Prize Game on 19th December 2020.
Citizens will be able, via “MyVAT” application, to donate their VAT refund for the first quarter of 2020 aimed at the fight against Covid-19. As for the “I scan and I donate” option, which upgrades the “MyVAT” application, citizens will be able to choose whether they want to donate their VAT refund for the first quarter of 2020. They can make their choice until 5th May.
Citizens have two options available through the application – “yes, I donate my VAT refund” and “no, thank you “. The person, who will positively respond to the donation option, gives consent for donating the entire amount that needs to be refunded to his/her transaction account, and there will be no possibility to revoke the given consent. The user who will give a negative answer to the question, will have the opportunity to change his/her answer as long as the choice option is open, and if he/she does not change his/her mind, the refund will be paid to his/her transaction account. The opportunity to donate, i.e. give up the refund for the first quarter is until 5th May.
As for the first quarter of 2020, citizens exercised their right to refund in the amount of EUR 5.59 million, by scanning fiscal receipts. During this period, 49.95 million fiscal receipts were scanned.